Dark Equation

Dark Equation

$1600 CAD
At a strategic level, we must be in a permanent conquest. We want more money, more goods, more merits, a better social status, a better position, more land, more resources, much more opportunities… and beyond! This idealistic journey that the artist proposes is both labyrinthine and contradictory. On the canvas, we see the queen using cotton from India to knit socks next to Churchill, balancing between the reconciliation of history and contempt for wealth, a game that never ends! Should we see in this representation an allusion to the mighty Bengal famine of 1943-44 orchestrated by Churchill? Or a request for a reconciliation of the humanity? Life on this planet is infinitely interconnected by invisible threads, woven over time, linked to sacrifices and reconciliations from Balmoral to Bengal.

Project Details

  • 24" x 36"

  • Acrylic on Canvas