Washing Sins
Clean it all with holy water! Religion “does” all for you! You don’t have to go to the doctor if you’re sick. Just pray! No need to feel remorse for your peaches. Just ask for forgiveness! Religion offers a convenient, concentrated, compact 3-in-1 washing sins solutions that reduce hassle for you. For more information, always ask for the services of a priest! They’re here to serve you! But beware, read the label twice before, because this is a registered trademark, so you need to pay a lot of moneys. 1 Tide 7:48-19
Should we see in this painting an allusion to the astonishing rise of the Orthodox religion in Romania following the fall of communism? The artist sends an alarm signal because even in the 21st century, the religion remains a heavy burden!
Project Details
30" x 30"
Acrylic on Canvas